Celebrating My First!

My First Award!

Many thanks to Adventures of a Busy Mom for the my first blogging award.

Lacy’s posts are always relevant, always helpful, and always fun. If you’ve followed my blog for long, you know how much I appreciate her content. And she has become one of my best, most encouraging, and most supportive WordPress friends. I’m grateful for all her hard work.

Now Here’s ‘da Rules

  • Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  • Answer the questions.
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  • Ask them 3 questions.

And the Answer Is…

1. What is your goal in blogging? Who do you hope to reach?

I want to inspire and educate others with writing that is interesting, captivating, and profound in the hopes of helping others to live the most balanced life possible in every aspect of the human condition.

I want to reach anyone and everyone that can appreciate my writing style and is willing to listen to, discuss, and even debate the content knowing that we will inspire each other and learn from each other even though we may not always agree. After all, when all the dross is skimmed off and all the chaff is blown away, most of us really aren’t as different from each other as we may think. Almost everyone can almost always find some common ground somewhere with almost everbody. (At least they should be able to!)

2. What is your favorite past time outside of blogging? What defines you?

Spending time with my family, without a doubt. Usually in taking walks or watching TV together. Without this strong family unit, I’m nothing. Like the von Trapp family without music.

However, this isn’t the only thing that defines me. As is obvious from this post, striving for balance in all things is my most defining characteristic, but harmonizing with this lead melody are strong overtones of integrity, friendship with everyone (regardless of race, religion, politics, etc), a realistic belief in God and a non-jingoistic faith in Jesus. You can’t be around me for long before seeing each of these in my life.

3. Share with us your favorite inspirational quote.

“Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home… Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better.” — Mr. Miyagi in Karate Kid 1984

(Same song, second verse: “La la la la la la la la la means Seek Balance” — to the tune of La-La Means I Love You.)

These Are a Few of My Favorite Blogs

Maria von Trapp sings of raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, but I want to sing the praises of a few of my favorite blogs. I don’t take following a blog lightly, so I wish I could nominate all the blogs I follow. They’re all my favorites! It makes it so hard to choose!

But alas, since I must limit it to a small number, I trimmed it back as best I could (and in no particular order):

** Walk with God

The duet of Spiritual and Inspirational headline this unique ensemble of Bible verses, poetry, exposition, and prayer all bound together by a uniquely fluid writing voice that transposes into the most appropriate style for the subject matter at hand.

** Out of My Write Mind

The unique play on words aside, Sandy’s beautiful pictures coupled with short, beautiful poetry make for a uniquely soothing quick read.

** Harvesting Hecate

Many of you may already know Andrea from her piece “Brief Delights” featured on WordPress’s Discover; nonetheless, her blockbuster writing deserves to be highlighted again. With the skill of a master cinematographer, she portrays nature with beautiful imagery and unique but epically aprorpos word choices while she draws unique object lessons from the visceral experiences she has created in your soul.

** the whirly girl

Not only does she have one of the most unique titling styles out there (she starts every post title with a colon and uses no caps), she also has one of the most uniquely fun and playful writing voices you’ll encounter in all of Bloggersville.

** Esme’s Cloud

Like Mr.Myagi using items he had on hand in his workroom, she takes unique sentence structure, unique phrasing, and unique punctuation, combines them with much humor, Danielsan, and constructs a blog of art that is captivating, personable, and oh so much fun to read… almost as much fun as wearing a shower costume to the Halloween dance!

** Out an’ About

When it’s from the Land Down Under, how can it not have pictures of unique animals, places, and flora to go along with the epic life-lessons she draws from them.

** loftforum

Their not-so-unique marriage tips are great reminders to help couples build a uniquely strong marriage.

** Bela’s Bright Ideas

Bela’s uniqueness lies in her expansive vocabulary, poetic phrasing, and… in never knowing exactly what you’re going to encounter when you read one of her posts! Her work is, by turns, combinations of heavy, profound, inspiring, thought-provoking, poignant, or sweet. But always beautiful. And never superficial. if you’re not willing to pick up your thinking pickaxe and ruminate on her words for a while to mine all the golden truths veined beneath the surface, you won’t grasp the full richness of her writing.

** Through Sinai Sand

Beautiful phrasing with well-structured, thought-provoking, and hard-hitting content. This is Heidi in a nutshell. Unique in her mix of opposites — heavy and sweet; poignant and positive; spiritual and secular — her writing will draw you in and refuse to let you go, no matter how much you wish you could escape her piercing insights.

** The Other Stuff

I first discovered Jeff on WordPress Discover as well, and he has since become a great blogger friend. He has a fun writing voice with, shall we say, unique personal issues that he is doing an inspiring job of battling and gaining the mastery over. If you, like me, can appreciate someone who’s not afraid to share their struggles with honesty and transparency while mixing in a little bit of insight and a whole lot of fun, he is well worth the read.

** Marking Our Territory

Will offers us excellent life-lessons on family, relationships, and parenting taught to us by one of the most unique breeds in the world of Dogdom — the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

** allanbeardsworth

The only truly unique WordPress blog on my list. If anyone knows of another WordPress blog devoted entirely to chess and chess puzzles, let me know. I haven’t been able to find another one.

My Q’s 4 Your A’s

  1. Why do itayou write (here’s Why I Write) and what is itayour writing process (Outlined in Mud describes mine)?
  2. What’s the best thing you’ve ever read and what do you consider the best thing you’ve ever written (with a link)?
  3. Name your favorite song, your favorite movie, and your favorite dog breed.

The End

Before the credits roll, like a winner at the Oscars I’d like to thank all those who have made this possible.

Thanks again, Lacy, for the recognition and support.

And a big thanks to all those who have read my work and liked, commented, and followed. Your engagement encourages me more than you know.

Now to those I nominated, please don’t feel obligated to participate; I understand how busy we all are. If you do, I will enjoy reading your answers and seeing your list of favorite blogs. If you don’t, just know how much I appreciate you. I hope you can see the gratitude just oozing out of these words.

I thank God for all of you daily!

“You’re the Best!”


Notes (As the Credits Roll with Background Music):

The heading “Now Here’s ‘da Rules” is a quote from a song by Carman entitled “The Champion”.

“The Champion” and “The Sound of Music” images are from Amazon.

The Mr. Myagi balance quote image is from Motivate Amaze Be Great.

The shower costume image was taken from The Karate Kid, 1984.

La-La Means I Love You/ by The Delfonics

And lastly, the song for the excerpt, which in case you forgot, was “Celebrating my first blogging award with music, movies, and a dog (though I doubt it’s named Boo)”:

“Me and You and a Dog Named Boo/” by Lobo.

A Special Thank You
My Favorite Literary Children


  1. Oh, I’m up there! I didn’t expect that! Hahahaha, how lovely of you James, and the way you have described my Cloud is wonderful, thank you very much indeed. I’m in good company too, for Bela is a good friend and amazing wordsmith, and I’ll pop over to everyone else’s blogs as well to check out their fine words too. I don’t ‘do’ awards, but I enormously appreciate being nominated, and I’m sure yours will be the first of very many good sir. Thank you again – *beams a big smile his way*

    – Esme of Cloud fame grabbing her award and legging it fast blowing a kiss back over her shoulder at him.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. James…Congratulations on your first of many awards on the way. I appreciate your nomination, but alas, my blog is award free, and I must decline.
    Your description of my blog is quite flattering. I must guard against getting a big head!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I completely understand. And it was my pleasure. I enjoy your blog very much. I can always count on it for a quick pick-me-up with no stress that it’s going to take a big investment of time without guarantee of commensurate return. I know I’ll always get a larger reward than the effort needed to put in.

      Thanks for all you do. I appreciate you!

      Liked by 2 people

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